Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Awesome Family!

Personally? My opinion? I have the AWESOMEST family in the whole wide universe! Four amazing sisters and brother, and two of the best parents a 13 year old could ever ever have! My family is stranger than what you'd think though. If you've ever been to my house or have met my parents, you know....or you don't. Because the very second you leave our house, it's chaos. Arianne pulls the hyper-monkey-scary-Chester lady on everyone, Alyssa/Christian sings opera at the top of their lungs, Chelsea, who knows what she's doing, Mom, she screams into the phone when her mom calls (or some kind of advertiser), Dad cranks up the oldies tunes and often sings to it, and there's me... a little bit of everything, except for the hyper-monkey-scary-whatever it's called and the screaming into the phone part. We are not who we are in public. Aaaah...dinner table conversations, best part of the day (if everyone is there with a good mood). The talks about farts, our day, info that you wouldn't share with anyone if you were a regular family, food, you name it! I remember one time my mom took away our electronic privileges (like 3 years ago) and we got bored. Of course. Well we had a bunch of cookie dough in the freezer so we took it out. We shaped them into little balls, threw them on the ceiling, lied down, and waited for the cookie dough to fall in our mouths. It took a good few hours for us to realize that some of them won't come down. :P Or one time we cleaned our was nasty, but after we cleaned it, we did the Hokey-poky with the garage door open. Because we can. Muahahaha. Yes, we fight, we argue, we complain, but i like to think of the good times! But they aren't just good, they're GRRRREAT!

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Time

Well, this is my first time having a blog, and honestly, I have absolutely no clue what I'm supposed to do with it. Express my fiery burning love for someone? ehh...PASS. But I will tell you how school is THE most boring thing on planet Earth. I just about fell asleep in Utah Studies today, so peaceful :)...until Ms. Rogers had to disturb my day dreams and make everyone stare at me. Love it. And Math?I manage to keep myself awake, but never in a million years will I ever, EVER become some kind of accountant/math person. So many numbers, and now their adding letters? What are these people trying to do? Kill me? Ugh. I. Hate. Math. Well other than that stuff, my life is going just peachy. Good friends, good family, good good. The end. :)